Did A Team Of Scientists From Harvard University Find A Remedy For Joint Pain Inside 8,000 Year-Old Chicken Soup?
Researchers from Harvard University have discovered a cannibal immune cell that eats away at the cartilage in your joints

And can cause what some doctors are calling “type 2 joint pain”...

Which is the kind of pain associated with exercise and challenging activity...

By attacking a friendly protein that acts as a soft cushion for joints.

Yet what’s even more shocking…

One archaeologist says the remedy to type 2 joint pain... is found inside a bowl of 8,000+ year-old chicken soup
And I know that sounds absolutely crazy. I was totally shocked too and thought it was complete BS…

But that’s why in just a minute...

You’ll learn about the real science-backed research behind this strange remedy…

And how it can help diffuse this cannibal immune cell so it doesn’t eat away at the cushion inside joints. But instead…
Restores Comfort, Strength And Support To Your
Joints At Any Age… Regardless Of Prior Damage…
So you can push hard in the gym, enjoy hobbies without slowing down and feel all-around better. So if…
  • Your joints have been giving you fits in the gym and are keeping you from getting the most out of your workouts
  • ​You’ve had a hard time building muscle or getting stronger because you don’t want to push it too hard…
  • ​You tone down the intensity of your workouts mid-way through because of the red hot burning sensation in your shoulders, elbows, knees and anywhere else
  • ​You think joint pain is unavoidable and all you can do is suck it up and fight your way through it…
  • ​You’ve had to stop doing certain exercises or activities because of how it affects your joints…
  • ​You’re worried what the next 10, 20 or 30 years will look like because you’re already in lots of pain and discomfort…
Then you’ll be thrilled by this recent finding…

Because you’ll finally discover what’s really causing your pain...

Why no amount of stretching, rest, steroid shots or even perfect form or posture has seemed to help…

And the brand new ritual I now recommend for all of my clients to...
Easily Relieve Pain In Just 6-seconds Each Morning
But I have to warn you…

What I’m about to share will likely go against everything you’ve ever been told about joint pain and how to avoid or help it.

So if you think you’ve heard it all before…

I promise when you lean in and read this report to the end...

It’s going to be an eye-opening experience that could change the game for your pain starting today…
Hi. I’m Alain Gonzalez

Author of Bulk Up Fast and owner of Muscle Monsters

One of the fastest growing fitness and supplement companies in the world… 

And head trainer of our thriving fitness YouTube channel that has over 300k subscribers and counting

And after spending more than a decade in the gym - I’m no stranger to joint pain.

Not only have I gone through it…

But dozens of my personal clients have gone through it too… and were in the same position you’re in right now
Except they’ve come out on the other side

And are now crushing their workoutsable to push longer and harder in the gym… and are enjoying a more active lifestyle… at all ages and from all walks of life

And in just a minute I’ll show you how you can have bulletproof joint support too…

And build muscleget stronger… and have a balanced, healthy body without aches and pains holding you back.

I’m going to reveal how to gain relief and support in every joint from head to toe…
Why Two Of The World's Most Popular Joint Support
Supplements Are Nothing More Than “Snake Oil”...
How to “rewire” Killer T cells so they stop feasting on the protein inside your joint cartilage… 

And the missing link to joint recovery that helps rebuild joints at any age and can erase future trips to the orthopedist or surgeon even if achy joints run in the family…

So like I said - my name’s Alain Gonzalez

And one of the biggest buzz-kills to an active, healthy life is joint pain.
You march to the gym day after day… 

And all of a sudden mid-workout…
That Slow Burn Feeling Starts
To Creep Up In Your Joints…

Maybe in your shoulders during bench press

Your knees during a squat

Wrists during bicep curls

Whatever your specific areas of joint pain may be…

It slows you down big time.

Because if your joints start hurting during your workout

There’s just no way you’re going to be able to lift as much weight… or knockout as many reps as you could otherwise. And that’s leaving a ton of potential on the table.

Even if you try to make the best of it…
And settle for lifting puny dumbbells or resistance bands… 

It’s not the workout you imagined or one that gets you excited. 

It’s just “damage control.”

But the most frustrating part is…

You’ve probably done all the “right” things to try and make the joint pain disappear.

Maybe you took a week off from training to give your joints a break…

But even though your joints felt okay during that time…
It’s Like A Viper Hiding In The Grass
Waiting For The Right Moment To Strike…
And a few sets into your first workout the pain comes shooting back.

Or maybe you even “checked your ego at the door” and stripped weight plates off the bar so you could focus on form…  

But even then you still have a noticeable raw feeling in your joints.

You’ve likely tried a ton of other suggestions people like to give… like… 
  • Switching to bodyweight exercises
  • ​Taking glucosamine supplements… (I’ll explain why those don’t work in a minute)...
  • ​Using foam rollers or lacrosse balls
  • Mobility work and stretching
  • ​Wrapping hot/cold packs around your joints…
  • Compression sleeves for your knees and elbows…
  • ​Rubbing weird balms on you, or taking pain relievers from the drugstore that are dangerous to your health…
None of these have provided lasting relief for your joints…

And at the end of the day…
Joint Pain Is Robbing You Of Gains…
But that’s really only the tip of the iceberg for what life will look like 10, 20, 30+ years from now if you keep trying to “bulldog” your way through training with joint pain.

Because continuing down this path is a recipe for disaster later on…
And won’t only sideline you from your favorite activities down the road… but will cost you an arm and a leg in trips to the doctor and surgeries.

See - most people think having healthy joints or a good looking body is a “trade-off”...

You can have one or the other… but never both.

And think things like… 
I’d Rather Be Sore Than Obese…
Or “when I’m 60 I’d rather be making appointments with the orthopedist, not the cardiologist.”

I get why it’s easy to feel that way…

Especially after searching everywhere for a solution but coming up dry.
Plus - you may love working out so you refuse to let a few achy joints stand in the way. I get it. I’m right there with you…

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

You don’t have to choose between training hard and achy jointslift with less weight in the gym… or give up your favorite activities because of pain afterward…

You don’t have to “suck it up” and fight through the pain… or take a handful of NSAIDs like Aleve or Advil either…
That the FDA has recently come out and said increases your risk for heart attack and stroke.   

Because the ancient remedy on this page that supports your joints...

Can help bring on soothing joint relief… so the aches and pains don’t have to hold you back anymore.
This solution is also superior to the most popular joint support supplements sold in stores… that have the ingredients glucosamine or chondroitin.

In fact— in a recent study published in the British Medical Journal, researchers from Bern University in Switzerland found these supplements are no better than “snake oil”… 

Because they create nothing more than a “placebo effect” where people think they feel better but it’s all in their head. 

After reviewing studies of almost 4,000 patients, the doctors say...
“Compared With Placebo…  Glucosamine, Chondroitin,
And Their Combination Do Not Reduce Joint Pain…
...and health insurers should be discouraged from funding glucosamine and chondroitin treatment.

And a breaking 2017 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found another common “solution” for joint pain - steroid shots… 

End up making the pain worse over time

The study followed knee arthritis patients who received repeated steroid injections over two years— with either corticosteroids or a placebo… 

And found patients given steroids typically saw no pain relief, and instead showed a faster progression of cartilage breakdown in the knee joint

Even though a few years ago this probably caused the doctors to scratch their heads and wonder why it wasn’t working…

After recent studies from Harvard, it’s crystal-clear why these don’t work…

Because they don’t get to the root cause of joint pain. Yet…
While Studying Native American Skeletons Dating Back
6,000 Years - One Harvard Biologist Stumbled
On The REAL Cause Of Joint Pain...

Here’s what he said…

“Because our ancient ancestors were more active than we are today…

In a time when walking was the main form of travel… and many people spent their lives hunting, gathering, farming and fighting…

The rates of joint stress and wear and tear would be worse than it is today.”

But what he found shocked him

Because this wasn’t the case

His findings show that even though our ancient ancestors were far more active than we are today… their joints were in better shape than ours.

And a follow-up team of scientists from Harvard believe it’s because of an ancient chicken soup ingredient that supports joint health.

I’ll tell you more about that in a minute…

But first let me tell you why your joints hurt.

Your joints are aligned with a flexible tissue called cartilage… which lubricates joints and absorbs physical impact…

So every time you do a bicep curl… or go for a run… or even something as simple as resting your elbows on an office chair

Your cartilage provides a “buffer” for your joints. Now…

The bulk of the cartilage inside your joints is made of collagen.

You’ve probably heard of collagen before… but there is only one kind that preserves joint function and protects it against damage - called type 2 collagen.
Over Time Type 2 Collagen Naturally Wears Away… 
And Can Lead To “Type 2 Joint Pain”
Which is the joint pain that happens during and after exercise or strenuous activity.

But despite what most “experts” believe… 

It actually has NOTHING to do with too much exercise, or imperfect form… not warming up before a workout… or anything like that.     

And there’s just one way… that’s super-specific and rare... supported to help restore this type 2 collagen. I’ll tell you more about it in a moment. 

But first let me tell you about the real cause of type 2 joint pain.

Joint pain can occur because of a miscommunication between immune cells called… 
“Killer T Cells”
Here’s how…

Everytime you workout… or push yourself in any activity… there’s going to be natural inflammation… 

That process sounds an alarm to your Killer T cells

And then your Killer T cells begin searching for some kind of threat or “foreign invader” that may be causing the pain…
So it can eliminate the threat and keep you healthy…

But here’s where the miscommunication comes in…

Like I mentioned earlier - your cartilage goes through small wear and tear over time… and as a result, small strands of collagen lying beneath the cartilage becomes “exposed”

And because these strands of collagen have been underneath the cartilage…

Your Killer T cells have never seen them before.

And because the Killer T cells don’t recognize them

They mistake the exposed collagen as a foreign threat to your health.

So the Killer T cells do what they are wired to do…

Bombard the “threat” with toxic chemicals to destroy it… 
Literally Eating Away At Type 2 Collagen
That Supports And Lubricates Your Joints…
Which is why deterioration and grinding joint pain happen.

Make sense so far?

This is where the Harvard discoveries fit into the mix…

Because studies show our ancient ancestors had a diet rich in a rare ingredient that rewires Killer T cells so they don’t cause “friendly fire” in your joints.

The entire community was able to maintain healthy joints because they shared this lone ingredient… that they extracted from leftover chicken bones cooked in an 8,000 year old stew…

Which is now being prized as the golden ticket to joint health and function.

This ingredient is called UC II Undenatured Type 2 Collagen… an ancient yet highly advanced form of this important protein.

Like I said before Type 2 collagen is the kind that makes up your joint cartilage…

And “undenatured” means that there is no alteration to the collagen which keeps true to the kind our ancient ancestors used to consume.

And research shows that any other kind of collagen has no beneficial effects on joint pain. 

Researchers from the University of Nebraska found this specific form of collagen can help combat the mobiliation on Killer T cells into the joints. 

I’ll break down how this happens in a moment, but first you need to know…

This joint-specific form of collagen can’t be found inside cans of chicken noodle soup… and it’s hardly ever used in collagen supplements…

And it isn’t as effective unless it’s paired with another ingredient that I’ll tell you about further down the page. So keep reading…

Because scientists from Harvard University were so surprised by the Nebraska study that they tested this ingredient and its effects on joint support… in people with severe chronic joint pain.

In a randomized, double-blind trial… which is the “gold standard” of modern research

60 patients were given either UC II Undenatured Type 2 Collagen or a placebo for 3 months.

The subjects given the UC II Undenatured Type 2 Collagen experienced a significant decrease in swollen and painful joints compared to the placebo…

And 14% of patients… 
Experienced A Complete
Remission Of Chronic Joint Pain…
Another study tested the effects of UC II Undenatured Type 2 Collagen compared to glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate… the two leading joint support supplements on the market…

And found UC II blew the others out of the water…

With joint pain scores being reduced by 40% compared to just 15% from the other two supplements…  

And another study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition examined the effects of UC II Undenatured Type 2 Collagen on joint function and joint pain during exercise
55 subjects who reported knee pain after participating in a standardized stepmill performance test were given a placebo or the UC-II supplement for 120 days… 

After 120 days of supplementation, subjects in the UC-II group exhibited an 81% improvement in average knee extension… 

And they were also able to exercise twice as long before experiencing any initial joint discomfort at day 120
Here’s Why This Ancient
Chicken Soup Collagen Works…
Remember the Killer T cells I mentioned earlier that confuse exposed type II collagen in the joints as a threat

And attack them because of it? 

Well - when you introduce UC II Undenatured Type 2 Collagen into the body on a regular basis… 

It helps Killer T cells “get used” to collagen as a normal part of the body

Because it is.

This way, when your “alarm” goes off… and Killer T cells search your body for a threat…
They don’t mistake type 2 collagen as the problem anymore… and leave your joints alone.     

And just like that - no more joint pain.

So before I tell you about a certain group of ingredients that boost the effects of UC II Undenatured Type 2 Collagen

And help guarantee stronger, more functional and protected joints

I know we just covered a lot of new information…
So Here’s A Quick Recap...
  • When you workout or do any challenging activity, it causes a natural inflammation response in the body… 
  • ​This response sounds an alarm to Killer T cells that there is a threat in the body that needs to be eliminated… 
  • ​Killer T cells confuse type 2 collagen in the joints as that threat and so they attack it…
  • ​But by getting UC II Undenatured Type 2 Collagen into your diet… it retrains Killer T cells to see collagen as a friend
  • ​As a result Killer T cells don’t attack your joints anymore and you can push hard in the gym, stay active for hours and have youthful joints now and for as long as you’re active.
And remember - most of the collagen supplements out there are second-rate and won’t give you the results I’ve mentioned in these studies…

Basically it’s UC II Undenatured Type 2 Collagen or BUST.

But this is only one piece to the puzzle…

It’s this rare form of type 2 collagen… along with 4 other natural spices and herbs that enhance absorption and boost joint health even further… 

That’ll give you reliable joint support now and for years to come. Introducing…
An advanced joint support formula...
Featuring the ancient solution to unbeatable joint health and function no matter age or activity level…

That modern scientists are calling the golden ticket to keep joints young and strong

So aches and pains don’t have to slow you down in the gym… during your favorite hobbies… or any other area.

This formula goes to work fast to provide support and relief before, during and after your workouts… 

And help protect your joints from Killer T cells that cause needless damage…

So you can give life everything you’ve got...

Continue making progress in the gym

Challenging yourself by putting more weight on the bar

Pushing for that last rep

Doing your favorite exercises

Without that uncomfortable burning sensation in your joints…

Go for hikes in the mountains

Long distance runs or bike rides

Stay active in the yard…

Without having to slow down or take a break…

Or worrying about how bad your joints are going to be 10, 20, 30+ years from now.

So before I tell you where to claim your supply of BULLET PROOF, let me tell you about the other 4 ingredients inside.

I’ve already told you about UC II Undenatured Type 2 Collagen

And how it eliminates “friendly fire” from Killer T cells that mistakenly eat away at joint collagen.

And how UC II feeds your joints with the #1 ingredient that keeps them in good shape

And as a result keeps your joints feeling young and mobile… so you can perform your best no matter what kind of activity or fitness you’re into.

The next ingredient inside BULLET PROOF is… 
A Proprietary Extract From French
Maritime Pine Bark Called Pycnogenol…
Pycnogenol is a natural yet powerful “super-antioxidant” shown in more than 160 studies to help soothe joint pain for their patients.

It’s rich with a unique blend of anti-inflammatory chemicals called polyphenols that are shown to support joint health and soothe joint cartilage.

In a new 2019 study, researchers examined 64 individuals diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee— confirmed by X-ray. Some participants were given pycnogenol while others were given a placebo. 
Pycnogenol is a natural yet powerful “super-antioxidant” shown in more than 160 studies to help soothe joint pain for their patients.

It’s rich with a unique blend of anti-inflammatory chemicals called polyphenols that are shown to support joint health and soothe joint cartilage.

In a new 2019 study, researchers examined 64 individuals diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee— confirmed by X-ray. Some participants were given pycnogenol while others were given a placebo. 

Researchers evaluated osteoarthritis symptoms using a combination of subjective pain survey scales, thermal imagery of affected joints, and the individual capability of walking or standing without pain...

And following three weeks of using pycnogenol… subjects reported significant improvement of their symptoms including:

51% improvement of pain score (vs. 19% in the control group)...

33% improvement of knee function (vs. 16.3% in the control group)...

66% improvement of swelling (vs. 50% in the control group)...

42.4% of subjects reported no osteoarthritis symptoms after treatment (vs. 23.5% in the control group)...

62% of participants reported decreased use of NSAID products (vs. 16% in the control group)...

88% of participants did not need consultations of a specialist (vs. 22% in the control group)...

And 91% of participants did not need physiotherapy during the study (vs. 33% in the control group). 

The reason it works so well is because the polyphenols in pycnogenol… 
Gain Control Of The “Master Inflammation Switch”...
By supporting healthy anti-inflammatory activity in the body… 

Which helps regulate this process so that it doesn’t go overboard and cause a bunch of damage

Kind of like taming a wild bull…  

And improves joint comforteases stiffness… and enhances joint mobility.   

Plus studies show subjects taking pycnogenol sleep better… have an easier time falling asleep… and don’t wake up with screaming joint pain in the middle of the night.    

After pycnogenol we’ve added another ingredient to BULLET PROOF called 5-Loxin
Which Has Been Used In Ancient Ayurvedic
Medicine As A Potent Anti-inflammatory Support…
PA recent double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 5-Loxin in knee joint pain… 

75 subjects were included in the study…

 » The first group received 100mg of 5-Loxin
 » The second group received 250mg of 5-Loxin
 » And the third group received a placebo

Every day for 90 days.

Each subject was evaluated for pain and physical functions at day 0, 7, 30, 60 and 90.

At the end of the study both doses of 5-Loxin showed “significant improvements in pain scores and physical function scores.”

And the doctors concluded…

“5-Loxin may exert its beneficial effects by controlling inflammatory responses through reducing proinflammatory modulators, and it may improve joint health by reducing the enzymatic degradation of cartilage.” 

In fact - it worked so quickly that subjects started to notice a difference within 7-days of starting the treatment.

In another study published in the journal Phytomedicine 15 people were given either 5-Loxin or a placebo for 8-weeks… 

At the end of the study all subjects who were given 5-Loxin reported having a decrease in knee painincrease in knee flexion… and increase in walking distance compared to the placebo group...  

Which can go a long way in helping stay active, squat comfortably at the gym and just be able to enjoy your favorite activities for longer.

After 5-Loxin we added another ingredient to BULLET PROOF that’s become one of the most popular joint support herbs in the world in recent years

Yet it doesn’t work without another ingredient that I’ll share right after.
It’s Been Labeled “India’s Holy Powder”
 And Harvard Scientists Agree It Can Naturally
Help Soothe Even The Worst Joint Pain

It’s called Curcumin.

One study from the Japan Institute of Sport Sciences tested the effects of curcumin on muscle damage and post exercise inflammation

And found it reduces excessive inflammationwhile also speeding up recovery in between workouts.   

Plus - a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine which compared the effectiveness of curcumin vs. ibuprofen… 

Found curcumin is as effective for pain relief as ibuprofen… 

Except far safer to take.  

But even though multiple studies have shown that curcumin does a bang up job of supporting joint health… 

There’s a HUGE catch…

Curcumin doesn’t absorb into the body well…  

Which is why you should never waste a dime on it unless it’s paired with another ingredient called Piperine.

Studies show by combining curcumin and piperine
Curcumin Becomes 2000% More Effective At
Supporting Joints And Boosting Joint Mobility
With that said - piperine on its own has been shown to have positive anti-inflammatory effects…  

But it’s best when it’s used as a “role player”...

Meaning it supports the other ingredients and helps them work better…  

By improving how quickly and effectively they’re absorbed into the body…  So they don’t get lost and burnt up in the digestive tract.

Basically, piperine is a natural “delivery system” that transports the other ingredients exactly where they need to be for joint support.
It’s this group of natural type 2 collagen and ancient herbs and spices combined together…

Proven by the latest clinical studies and scientific research

That makes BULLET PROOF the most advanced, effective and safest joint support formula available…

Because it retrains Killer T cells to NOT attack collagen in joint tissue…

While also strengthening and rebuilding joints

And combating excessive inflammation that can cause pain, stiffness and injury…

So you can feel great in the gymduring your favorite hobbies… or any adventurous activity… now and for years to come.
Here’s How To Get The Best Results From BULLET PROOF…
It’s really simple…

All you have to do is take one serving of BULLET PROOF once in the morning and you’re all set.

BULLET PROOF comes in easy-to-swallow capsule form so it’ll only take a few seconds… 

And the ingredients inside BULLET PROOF will start working instantly and keep working as the day goes on
Before, during and after your workout

Or any other challenging activity you tackle head on.

This is your opportunity to have younger joints again

And gain an edge in the gym that you haven’t had in a long time.

With this cutting-edge formula you can come thundering back…

Pushing yourself with heavier weights

And longer workouts

Without having to slow down… take a week off… or lift with baby weights

Instead you can go full steam ahead and feel great
And won’t have to worry about how challenging yourself in the gym will affect you 10, 20, 30 years from now.

So if you want to stay ahead of the game…

And you want to dominate the gym and your other favorite activities now and as the years pass by without suffering from joint pain like most people…

Then you don’t want to pass up on this amazing opportunity.

Especially because I’m offering BULLET PROOF at a new-release discount price to get the word out.

And even though I’ll do my best to keep it in stock…

I can’t guarantee that if you wait to come back later… we’ll have bottles for you.

The natural and rare ingredients inside BULLET PROOF are expensive and difficult to find…
Which Is Why Most Companies Don’t Even
Bother Trying To Add Them To Their Formulas…
Unlike them, we’ve gone above and beyond to give you the best…

But like I was saying - that means if we run out of stock, it could be weeks or months before we get another supply in.

So don’t twiddle your thumbs and miss this chance right now…

The longer you wait to pull the trigger and grab your supply of BULLET PROOF…

The longer you’ll have to “take it easy” in the gym…

Or put up with nagging joint pain that holds you back…

And miss out on the gains you deserve.

So grab your supply of BULLET PROOF while we’re in stock and for this one-time discount.

I know how frustrating joint pain can be towards reaching your goals in the gym and living an overall more satisfying life…

So I’ve done everything in my power to make it as affordable as possible for you to get your hands on bottles of BULLET PROOF right now. 

That’s why when you claim one bottle of BULLET PROOF, you’ll pay just $49 today.

But things get really exciting when you purchase the 3 or 6 bottle option

Because most of the studies I mentioned in this report lasted somewhere between 60-120 days

Which means if you want to see the best results from BULLET PROOF you’ll want to take it for a couple months at least

Plus - studies show the ingredients inside BULLET PROOF have a “compounding effect”...

Which means they get even better over time… So for that reason…
I’m Going To Give You An Even Better Deal When You
Select The 3 Or 6 Bottle Option Of BULLET PROOF…
When you select the 3 bottle option

You’ll get all 3 bottles for just $132

Which comes out to a 10% savings per bottle.

And when you make the best choice today and claim 6 bottles of BULLET PROOF…

You’ll get all 6 bottles for just $234

Which is a 20% savings per bottle…

Plus - peace of mind knowing your joints are covered with BULLET PROOF for the next 365-Days.

So I guess you could say smart people buy more
So here’s what to do next…

All you have to do to claim your bottles of BULLET PROOF today is select the 3 or 6 bottle option… or whichever option works best for you

And click the “Add To Cart” button…

After that you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you’ll complete your order.

Once that’s done we’ll ship your supply of BULLET PROOF to your door right away.

So do that now to get started.
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$49 per Bottle
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$44 per Bottle
You Save 10%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$39 per Bottle
You Save 20%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
And listen…

I know you’ve tried a bunch of supplements before that haven’t done jack squat for you…

So to take the edge off of claiming your supply of BULLET PROOF today…

And to make this decision as easy as possible

I’m going to take all the risk off your shoulders and place it on mine

By backing-up your purchase today with my “Bulletproof 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.”
Bulletproof 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
Let me say this as clearly as I can…

When you order your supply of BULLET PROOF today, you should expect to see results.

If you don’t see the results you’re hoping for, you shouldn’t pay a single penny.

So for that reason…

When you purchase your bottles of BULLET PROOF, I’ll back up your purchase with my Bulletproof 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Seriously— this guarantee really is “bulletproof” because you have 365-Days to try out his cutting-edge formula completely risk free…

If you don’t notice that you can go harder in the gym…

Indulge in your favorite activities for longer…

And enjoy an outgoing lifestyle…

Without joint pain holding you back…

Just send me an email and let me know and you’ll get a full refund.

No questions asked.

And because I respect your time you won’t even have to send the bottles back like most supplement companies make you do.

So there’s no risk or hassle whatsoever.

With that said, I doubt you’ll want a refund…. 

BULLET PROOF really is a game-changer for joint support… 

Because these ingredients tend to the true cause of joint pain… protect your joints from wear and tear... and each ingredient is easily absorbed and quickly put to use thanks to our piperine ingredient.

So here’s what you need to do right now before supplies run out…

And while this special discount is available…

Choose your supply of BULLET PROOF below…

Click the “Add To Cart” button…

And we’ll rush your bottles of BULLET PROOF straight to your door.

You’ve got nothing to lose…

And better joint health, support and longevity to gain.
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$49 per Bottle
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$44 per Bottle
You Save 10%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$39 per Bottle
You Save 20%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
You Have 2 Options Of Where To Go From Here…
Option #1 is you can choose to do nothing

And continue on struggling with joint pain

Allow it to slow you down

And basically walk on eggshells every time you train to try and avoid it…

Which prevents you from reaching your potential in the gym…

Or enjoying your favorite hobbies to the full
Because the nagging sensation in your joints always rears its ugly head…

No matter what solutions you try… or how easy you try to take it…

Because at the end of the day…

None of these solutions deal with the real cause of joint pain.

Or worse…
You Can Keep “Sucking It Up” And Try To Ignore The Pain…
It’ll all be drowned out by screaming joint painThinking that having an attractive body and a healthy heart has to come at the cost of your joints

Until one day you wake up and it’s almost too much to bear.

And when that happens… 

Not only will it be impossible to exercise like you want to

And leave you wishing you would have taken action to beat joint pain when you had the chance…

But even basic tasks will become more difficult…

Like doing work around the house… sitting at your office desk… even sleeping at night is going to become a challenge because your joints will wake you up every few hours.

Special moments that are supposed to be fun… like site-seeing on vacationgoing for a hike with your familydancing with your spouse

It’ll all be drowned out by screaming joint pain

And you’ll never be able to really enjoy the moment…

You Don’t Want To End Up With Major
Joint Pain That Leaves You Miserable…
Or have ripped up joints that make it too painful to play with your kids or be a model of health for them as the years go by…

And you certainly don’t want to rely on someone to help you with every little thing because your joints are a mess… or because you’re recovering from a surgery or something like that.

Because you’re still reading, I’m willing to bet you’re fed up with joint pain and refuse to allow it to hold you back any longer

And that’s why this first option isn’t for you…

And instead you should go with the second option.

Option #2 is to eliminate joint pain… rebuild the collagen in your joints… and get back to pushing harder in the gym and enjoying your hobbies to the full

Now and for decades to come without slowing down…

By ordering your supply of BULLET PROOF today

That includes the scientifically supported #1 source of type 2 collagen… shown to combat Killer T cells from attacking your joints or causing painful damage

Combined with 3 other calming anti-inflammatory ingredients and our “super absorption” ingredient

To help your joints get stronger, more mobile and functional almost instantly

And stay protected through every gym session… long jog… or whatever other activity you want to challenge yourself with.

With this option you’ll be able to… 
Focus On Getting Strong In The Gym Again Without Getting
Distracted By A Nagging Sensation In Your Joints...
And can build a balanced and attractive physique because you aren’t avoiding certain exercises that used to give you fits.

Plus… you’ll just feel flat out BETTER

At the office or jobsite… when you’re running around in the yard with your kids… spending time out and about with your spouse.

Your joints won’t hold you back from making the most of every moment

Now… or in the future.
You won’t look back and say things like, “5 years of lifting heavy took its toll on me”...

“I wish I would’ve taken it easier”...

Or anything like that. Instead…
You’ll Be At Your Best Now...
And It’ll Only Get Better From Here
That’s what happens when you take action today and order your supply of BULLET PROOF right now for the new release discount price

So don’t want any longer… 

This is your moment to get the joint support you desire and deserve.
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$49 per Bottle
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$44 per Bottle
You Save 10%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$39 per Bottle
You Save 20%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
To your joint health and performance,
Alain Gonzalez
P.S. If you don’t want your joints to slow you down in the gym or anywhere else… and if you want to feel your best from head to toe now and as time passes by… using a 6-second trick you can do each morning… just select your supply of BULLET PROOF above and click the “Add To Cart” button to get started.

We’ve created this supplement to help soothe and eliminate joint pain so you can have an easier time building muscle, getting stronger and maintaining a balanced body that functions as it was meant to…

So this is your moment to ditch nagging aches and pains in the elbows, wrists, shoulders, knees, ankles, and anywhere else that’s slowing you down so you can keep going strong and feeling great. 
P.P.S. Don’t forget you have nothing to lose when you order your supply of Bulletproof today. Because I’ll back your purchase with my “Bulletproof 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee”...  

If Bulletproof doesn’t give you noticeable relief and support in your joints and allow you to push further and enjoy life without nagging joint pain, just send me an email and you’ll get every penny of your money back.
Frequently Asked Questions?
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$49 per Bottle
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$44 per Bottle
You Save 10%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
Bullet Proof Joint Support
$39 per Bottle
You Save 20%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
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