8th century african warriors used this pre-battle formula for high-energy during war…
New Research Shows This Same Unique Mixture
Accelerates Fat Loss 129%...
Boosts Testosterone 162%...
And Preserves Every Ounce Of Muscle!
From this day on… you’ll ALWAYS set foot in the gym feeling your best

Never tired… or weak… or without a pump…

And you’ll perform better than ever, too

Because on this page you’ll discover a lost combination of ingredients… that kept men from losing energy after hours of combat on the battlefield.

And this same formula will invigorate your body and bulletproof your workouts

… whether you’re training for 15 minutes or 5 hours straight…
All It Takes Is A Few Swigs Of This Mixture And You’ll Experience
  • A surge of clean energy that NEVER quits and lasts for hours after your workouts…
  • Accelerated fat loss that makes even the most stubborn body fat disappear (especially around the belly)…
  • Higher testosterone levels that make building muscle and burning fat automatic…
  • A better-looking body that turns heads when you take your shirt off…
  • A sleeve-splitting pump that catches every eye when you train…
  • A “never say dieattitude that helps you power through even the most intense workouts with confidence…
You’ll Train Harder And Build A
Harder Body WITH EASE…

So if you’ve ever…
  • Felt weak or sluggish at the gym or at work…
  • Skipped a training day because you’re “too tiredto get up
  • Had a weak pump when lifting weights…
  • Been frustrated with body fat that won’t budge
  • Hit training plateaus that block your results…
  • Wished you had more energy throughout the day…
  • Had little confidence because you don’t like the way your body looks…  
Then don’t go anywhere until you read every word on this page

Because in just a moment you’ll gain access to the final solution of all these frustrations…

But first, you need to know something very important…  

The solution on this page isn’t only proven on ancient battlefields…  or with a few clients in the weight room…

It’s been scientifically tested and shown to upgrade your body and workouts…

Which is why I’ve placed brackets — like this one: (1) — throughout this page…

So you can double check the references at the bottom if you want to. And see that every claim about this solution is true.
1 Scoop Of This Ancient Warrior Formula
And You’ll NEVER Have A “Bad Day” In The Gym Again!
Hi. My name’s Alain Gonzalez

A fitness coach and author who’s made it my mission to help guys like you get the body and confidence you desire…

And it wasn’t long ago that I felt miserable every time I trained. See…

I try to stay pretty lean and ripped all year long…

I don’t do those confusing “bulking” and “cutting” programs like a lot of guys out there… Instead I train “fasted.”

Which basically means I just workout on an empty stomach. Because…
A Study From Aarhus University Hospital In Denmark Found That Fasted Training Burns More BELLY Fat! (1)
And because you’re trapped here, you’ve never been able to push your body to its natural limit

It’s not your fault… You’ve done everything about 95% right…

Yet you’re missing out on what the extra 5% to take your results to the next level…

So before I go any further… take a look at the following list because…
So to keep my abs looking great every time I take my shirt off by the pool… or have some “alone time” with my wife in the bedroom…

This is the way to go.

But when I first started, I ran into a big problem…

Because I’d go to the gym on an empty stomach and find…  

My energy levels were lower than ever before… I felt exhausted half-way into my workout… and I couldn’t get a pump if my life depended on it. 
At first I thought it was because training on an empty stomach was something new… so I expected it to take time for my body to adjust…

But this continued for weeks… And…
Every Workout Got Worse!
I wasn’t only low on energy… and tired every time I walked into the gym… But…

My strength started to plummet, too

One day I loaded up a bench press with weight I’d lifted dozens of times before…  

And right in the middle of the set it was like my body gave up on me… and the weight slowly came crashing down
If My Brother Wasn’t There To Spot Me…
The Weight Would Have Crushed Me
But that wasn’t even the worst part about the whole thing

Because even though I was losing a little bit of fat around my belly from fasted training… it wasn’t a whole lot

Plus, I was losing muscle mass at the same time…

I was getting weaker and skinnier… and one night I got out of the shower, and my wife even said…
“I liked your body better before you
started this fasting thing.”
I was humiliated… there I was standing naked in front of my wife

And she didn’t like how my body looked…

Have you ever been there before…  

And felt like the one person you wanted to impress most wasn’t even attracted to you?

I’d been fasting and training for a month and all I had to show for it was smaller muscles and only a little bit of extra fat loss around my midsection.
It Felt Like My Body Was Going In Reverse…
… and I was more feeble and weak by the day… And…

I’ll tell you more about my story in a second… But first…

I have to warn you about what I”ve learned from fasted training… Because…  
These 3 Crucial Fasting Fails Are Making
You Weak And Scrawny!

Fasting Fail #1: Fasted Training Causes Muscle Loss
I wish I would’ve known this before I started working out fasted. Because…

Even though fasted training increases fat loss…

It also causes muscle loss

One study done at the Neuromuscular Research Center in Finland found that it’s harder for your muscles to recover after training on an empty stomach. (2)
Basically, it puts your body in a “catabolic environment”... which is a fancy way of saying your body eats away at its muscles for energy

But the good news is…

You can train fasted (and get all the extra fat loss perks) without losing even an ounce of muscle…
Solution: Muscle Defense Shield
The ONLY way to prevent muscle loss… and even promote muscle gain during fasted training is to have a “muscle defense shield.”

A study published in the Journal of Physiology found this powerful chemical is better at preventing muscle loss than the best amino acids in your body… (3)
And it has ZERO effect on insulin levels… meaning it won’t break your fast when you use it… (4)

But that’s not all…

The University of Tampa found this natural ingredient increased muscle mass by 16.3 lbs. and decreased body fat by 6.6% in a 12-week study. (5)

And if that wasn’t impressive enough… Another study from Texas Tech University found it increases testosterone by 162%! (6)

Basically, with one dose of this nutrient you’ll get all the perks of fasting without sacrificing an ounce of muscle…

In fact… you’ll likely put on more muscle than ever before!

And in just a moment, I’ll show you exactly how to get your hands on this powerful ingredient.
Fasting Fail #2: Fasted Training Causes Energy Drain
I can tell you from experience…

When you train fasted, you get drained easier…

Kind of like a “wind up” toy that starts off pretty strong… but in a matter of seconds starts to slow down

… and then comes to a complete halt.  

This happens when you don’t have a lot of “fuel in the tank”...
But listen… “fuel” doesn’t have to mean food

In fact, there’s a secret way to energize your fasted workouts so you lose belly fat fast without feeling tired while you train… 
Solution: Pure & Clean Energy Boost
There’s a unique compound found in nature’s sweetest fruits that’ll give you tons of energy for your next workout

… without breaking your fast…

Plus, it’s 100% clean… meaning it won’t give you jitterstingling in your face, arms or legs… a racing heartbeat… or anything like it.
A study from Tokyo, Japan found that taking a serving of this pure and clean energy booster before you train decreases fatigue… and reduces muscle soreness

So you can lift heavier weight for more reps with ease. (7)

It also helps you achieve a MASSIVE pump… because it amps up nitric oxide production in the body…

… which is the key factor for getting thick veins all over your physique…

So you never look “flat” in the gym again. (8)

Plus… this energy boost is completely safe… and won’t ever make you feel like you’re not “in control” of your body…

And it won’t keep you awake at night either like lots of unnatural energy boosters will.

I guarantee, this ingredient will make you feel great… even when training on an empty stomach…

… and you’ll gain access to it on this very page… so keep reading…
Fasting Fail #3: Fasted Training Alone Won’t Give You Maximum Fat Loss
Like I mentioned earlier…

Fasted training has been scientifically proven to increase fat loss all over the body… and especially in the belly. (9)

But as impressive as that is…

You still won’t burn the MOST fat off your body by fasted training alone…
The other two solutions I mentioned above will help ignite more fat loss and upgrade your physique… But…

The one I’m about to mention will blast off your physique to a whole other level…  

But here’s the catch… It ONLY works when you use it while fasted.
Solution: Triple-Time Fat Loss
This ingredient—taken from the bark of trees in West Africa—has been shown to increase the amount of fat that gets released from your fat cells… (10)

In fact… it can more than double the amount of fat you lose during training. (11)

Here’s how in a nutshell…

Every fat cell has two kinds of receptors… alpha-receptors and beta-receptors…

Alpha-receptors cause your body to store fat
Beta-receptors cause your body to burn fat

But research from a university in Paris, France shows the chemicals from this African tree bark blocks alpha-receptors so your body doesn’t store fat! (12)

When paired with fasted training, this duo activates beta-receptors too…

So you burn fat as your primary energy source… without storing any on your belly, arms, legs or face.  

And is just a moment I’ll show you how to get this rare ingredient so you can shape your best physique faster than you ever dreamed possible.
These 3 Ingredients Work Like A Vacuum…
And Suck Fat Right Off Your Body…
While Boosting Energy… Skyrocketing Testosterone…
And Protecting Every Ounce Of Muscle!
But before I share the solution…  

Let me tell you how I stumbled across these ingredients… and decided to combine them into one…

See, after my wife said I looked weak and small… I decided to try and get my energy levels back so I could train harder…  

So I went to a supplement store on the way to my next workout…

and bought a pre-workout powder to chug while driving to the gym
I Started Getting Overheated And Jittery…
My Arms And Face Got Scratchy
The entire drive to the gym, I wondered if I was going to make it…

And it didn’t get any better when I started working out… Because the whole time, I felt like I was going to throw up…

And even though I had some extra energy… it was uncontrollable…
My Heart Felt Like It Was Working Double-Time
And About To Pound Out Of My Chest!
At one point I had to steal someone’s bench because the room started to spin.

I’d never been more scared that I was going to die in my life

So I cut my workout short that morning…  And when I got back home…
I Looked At The Ingredients Label…
And What I Saw SHOCKED Me
Because I’ve been in the fitness industry for over a decade… and even I’d never heard of some of the ingredients in that pre-workout…

I admit… I’m embarrassed that I didn’t take a closer look at the label before I drank it…

But in my defense, it was made by a very well-known supplement company…

And I thought I could trust their product.

So I scrambled to my computer to research what was really going on inside this pre-workout…

… and found that none of the ingredients were natural… which is why I felt sick after taking it… and dizzy during my workout…
My Body Tried Rejecting It Right Then And There 
And after doing more digging on pre-workout mixtures, I discovered that 99% of them are chock-full of these same sketchy ingredients

Plus, some companies even hide their true ingredients under a “proprietary blend”...

… so you have no clue what’s in it and just have to take “their word” for it.

And I wish that was the end of the story…
But there have been several horror stories of men being rushed to the E.R. after taking these drinks…

… and even being on the verge of a stroke because of it.
A Group Of U.S. Military Surgeons
Even Banned Certain Pre-Workouts That Killed A Young, Healthy, Active American Soldier… (13)
I knew after reading that… I couldn’t keep using this dangerous pre-workout.

And that I needed to stay as far away from the stuff as possible…

Honestly, I felt stuck…

Because over 27 studies have shown that training fasted is one of the best ways to get rid of stubborn body fat… and keep it off…

But I was miserable every time I set foot in the gym without eating…

Low energy… little motivation… my body was weak and flat…

I didn’t know if I could do it anymore.

And just when I was about to throw in the towel… I stumbled across the three ingredients that I mentioned earlier that… 
Boost Energy… Burn Fat…
Skyrocket Testosterone…
With No Health Risk, Negative Side-Effects,
Or Even Getting The Jitters…
And I decided to combine these 3 ingredients (& a few more that I’m about to share with you) into a supplement that changed everything for me…

Because after I discovered their power…

I called up a team of scientists that helped me create a sleep supplement a year ago

And asked if they could splice these ingredients together into a new pre-workout solution that would give me more energy in the gym…

And that’s exactly what came out of it…  
The All-Natural Pre-Workout That Takes Your
Performance And Body To The Next Level!
L-Citrulline (3000mg)
  • Taken from the rind of watermelons… this high-powered nutrient opens up blood flow in your body and gives you a thick and head-turning pump you love to show off… (14)
  • Lift MORE weight for MORE reps… Study from the University of Córdoba found all you have to do to upgrade your performance in the gym is take a few swigs of this stimulating ingredient… (15)
  • Never get tired in the gym again! L-Citrulline delivers high levels of oxygen and nutrients straight into the muscle and puts up a “defense wall” against fatigue… so you can give your max effort every time you train… (16)
HMB - beta-Hydroxy beta-methylbutyric acid (2500mg)
  • A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found this ingredient helped men build 18.7 lbs. of muscle mass and lose 8.5% body fat… (some studies have found HMB works better for building muscle than steroids!) (17) (18)
  • The “defense shield” that protects you from muscle loss when you train fasted… (Psst… it’s more effective in preventing muscle loss than if you were to take an amino acid supplement.) (19)
  • FREE TESTOSTERONE! HMB lowers cortisol—your body’s worse fat storing hormone—and skyrockets your fat-burning and muscle-building hormones so you can get the ripped physique you crave with ease… (20)
L-Theanine (200 mg)
  • Keep your body in the perfect muscle-building environment with L-Theanine… This ingredient balances your anabolic hormones and automatically boosts your energy, drive, metabolism and so much more! (21)
  • Have laser-sharp focus every time you step into the gym… (pair this with another ingredient in the formula to boost motivation and dial in an unbreakable mind-muscle connection for massive new growth.) (22)
  • Need to sleep better at night? This is the ONLY pre-workout ingredient that gives you energy when you need itand helps you sleep when it’s bedtime… (23)
Caffeine (200mg)
  • Boost motivation with just a few sips! Studies have shown that just a small dose of caffeine will give you crystal clear focusand the extra mental edge you need to get those hard-earned reps in the gym… (24) (25)
  • Burn the most stubborn body fat with ease! A study from Ehime University in Japan found a little dose of caffeine goes a long wayand signals fat cells to break down and melt off your body… (26)
  • This “do it all” ingredient unlocks a powerful surge of energy that boosts performance… and gives you MORE strength, endurance, speed and power in one fell swoop! (27)
L-Tyrosine (150mg)
  • Skyrocket your metabolism and make belly fat vanish for good! A study from the School of Medicine at UCLA found this important ingredient makes fat-burning glands run like clockwork… (28)
  • There’s a secret “feel good” chemical inside the brain that unlocks a fountain of testosteroneL-Tyrosine brings this chemical to life and causes a rush of power and energy to pulse through your veins all day long... (29)
  • Big day in the gym? Don’t go into it without this adaptogenic amino acid that keeps you cool, calm and collected under any kind of stress… and maximizes your performance output! (30)
Yohimbine (10mg)
  • Block fat-storing chemicals in your bodyand increase fat-burning ones! This West African herb is a double-whammy against even the most stubborn body fat… (31)
  • Tired in the gym? Bored when you train? NEVER AGAIN! This powerful ingredient boosts exercise performance and pushes back your “fatigue threshold” so you can go longer and stronger in the gym… (32)
  • Release 3x more fat from your body than you ever could without it! Pair this tropical bark extract with fasting and you’ll show off a million dollar physique in no time… (33)
For The First Time Ever…
These 6 Ingredients Have Been Combined Into The Cleanest & Fastest Working Pre-Workout You Can Find!
After my team of guys shipped me this brand-new blend of ingredients to try…

I dumped a scoop into my shaker bottle… filled it with water… and headed straight for the gym.

After chugging it down in the car I was relieved… because I didn’t feel any jitters… and face and arms weren’t tingling…
Instead I felt like there was a clean flow of energy running through my body…

Nothing crazy that made me feel out of control or like my heart was beating too fast...

But I INSTANTLY felt more alert and invigorated.

When I got to the gym I was completely locked in…

I didn’t feel tired like I did the entire month before…
And I didn’t feel groggy like I did after taking the store-bought pre-workout…
I Was More Charged-Up Than I’d Been In
A Long TimeMaybe Ever
When I loaded up the bar to start a heavy set of bench press…

I could feel the surge of extra testosterone pulsing through my veins… and I had no doubt in my mind I was gonna crush my set.

I tore through each rep with ease… until I reached the final few…

But I had enough gas in the tank to squeeze out those last couple reps with more power than I had just a day ago.
I felt amazing from head to toeconfident… and like I was unstoppable.
I Didn’t Lose Steam The Entire Workout...
Normally I’d feel exhausted with a few exercises left…

But not only was I energized… I also had a crazy good pump

The veins in my biceps and forearms were thickmy sleeves were hugging my arms… and my chest looked inches bigger!

By the time I was done… I thought, “Man, I could get another workout in if I really wanted to.”

It felt too good to be true…
And even though I knew all the studies that told me I’d have this kind of experience with these ingredients

Part of me was skeptical…

… like maybe it was some kind of “beginner’s luck” or something like that.

But the next several weeks proved this supplement is the real deal. Because…
Week After Week My Results Only Got Better!
I had the same “get up and go” energy on day 30 as I did on day 1!

I’d lost more fat from my belly and love handles than before… and much faster than I ever thought I could…

I was getting stronger in the gym… and my muscles were filling out really well.

My wife even asked one day… “When did you stop doing that fasting thing that was making you skinny?”

She was stunned when I told her I hadn’t…

and all I did differently was start drinking this formula before my workouts. And now… 
You Too Can Experience MORE Energy MORE
Testosterone MORE Muscle And MORE Fat
Burning Power In A Few Quick Gulps!

And in just a moment I’ll let you in on can try this new formula absolutely risk-free.

There’s no other mixture like this on the planet

… and it’s as simple as combining the 6 best ingredients in the world for better performance inside and outside the gym into one proven solution… 
Skyrocket Your Performance Higher Than Ever Before Using This One-Of-A-Kind Natural
Pre-Workout Formula That Boosts Energy, Accelerates Fat Loss, Upgrades Testosterone
And Protects Every Ounce Of Muscle On Your Physique

So You Can Get The Most Out Of Every Workout
And Show Off Your Best Body Ever
With Every Serving Of BLAST OFF You’ll…
  • Experience a clean and consistent surge of fresh energy that keeps you fueled all workout long… (whether you train for 15 minutes or 5 hours you’ll have plenty of gas in the tank to get the most out of your body.)
  • Lift more weight for more repsand burn more fat at the same time! Simply dump a serving of this formula into a bottle with water, shake, chug, and feel the power!
  • Take your testosterone to new heights… This testosterone upgrade will make you feel like “You 2.0”. (and enhance every function in your body from head to toe… including muscle building, fat loss, sex-drive, focus and so much more!)
  • Enjoy a thick and veiny pump that catches every eye in the gymin just minutes! (This pump is known as “metabolic stress” and the bigger it is during your workout… the more muscle you’ll build.)
  • Melt fat off your body with ease! These 6 ingredients combined together work like a vacuum… and suck every ounce of fat off your belly so you can show off a ripped core sooner than you ever could without it
  • Unlock laser-sharp focus that goes beyond the gym… and gives you an extra edge in the office too! Just one scoop and you’ll perform like an alpha everywhere you go…
  • Effortlessly hang on to every ounce of muscle mass on your body… (even while you train fasted). Just add this 14-second trick to your pre-workout ritual.
  • Lock-in to the perfect mental state and achieve unbreakable mind-muscle connection… The most legendary bodybuilders in the world say this connection is the key to unlocking bigger and faster gains! (You can thank the L-Tyrosine and L-Theanine for that.)
  • Forever ditch “fake energy” and energize your body the way nature intended… No more jitters… no crash… no harmful side-effects from junk ingredients… Only pure energy that never quits!
  • Say goodbye to muscle soreness that lasts for days after you train… and speed-up recovery and results with just a few sips on your way to the gym!
  • Torch fat from your belly, lower back and chest with ease… and replace with rock-hard muscle! (the secret is in the combination of yohimbine and HMB.)
  • Experience deep relaxation all day long… that makes you perform BETTER in the gym, the office, and even during sex!
  • Ditch afternoon naps and laziness that hold you back from excelling in every area of life… (sure, you can take a nap if you want to… but with BLAST OFF you definitely won’t need one!)
  • Strut around with more confidence than ever before! (this powerful mixture upgrades your mood and sense of control with every dose.)
  • Explosive energy that helps you train harderand tricks your body into using body fat as a fuel source!
  • Stuff wads of cash back into your pocket that you’d otherwise waste on pre-workouts with harmful and hidden ingredients… and never spend a dime on dangerous formulas again!
How Much Does BLAST OFF Save You?
Each bottle of BLAST OFF comes packed with 25 servings…

If you workout 5 times per week, one bottle will last you up to 5+ weeks.

Which means when you take advantage of the 3 bottle special (our most popular order), you’ll be fueled with the best and cleanest pre-workout for AT LEAST 15 FULL MONTHS

And get this…

Each bottle is only $49. That’s just $1.96 per scoop!

Unlock more energy, skyrocket your testosterone, accelerate fat-loss, show off rock-hard muscle and so much more for mere chump change…

It’s a no-brainer if you ask me.

And think… how else would you use that money?

On a gas station energy drink that makes you crash a couple hours later… and burns a whole in your gut the more you drink it?

A $5.95 coffee from Starbucks with fattening sugar and cream? 
Why would you cheat yourself out of amazing results when you have a clean, affordable
and wickedly effective formula that’s yours for the taking?
Oh… and remember how I told you earlier that you can try BLAST OFF completely risk-free?
Why would you take your chances on pre-workouts that are dangerous to your health… or keep paying for proprietary blends that don’t work…

You wouldn’t…  

So it makes no sense to skip out on a one-time opportunity to test-drive this unbeatable supplement that fixes low energy, muscle loss and fat gain…

Especially when I’m putting all the risk on me.

See, I’m so confident you’ll love your experience with BLAST OFF that I’m willing to do what every pre-workout supplement you’ve tried isn’t doing… Put my money where my mouth is.

Because I have respect for you and your time, I’ve given you an insider’s look at every ingredient inside BLAST OFF…

All of which are 100% natural and help your body function at its best. So there’s no guesswork about what you’re getting.

And now—I’m going to make you a promise I know you’ll value.
  • If you don’t feel more energized when you go to the gym…
  • If you don’t feel stronger during your workouts…
  • If you don’t lose stubborn body fat
  • If BLAST OFF doesn’t upgrade your body and life in the next 365 days…
Then I will personally refund your every penny. All you have to do is send the rest of your unopened bottles back… (specific details in the FAQ section below)...

… and you’ll receive a refund - no questions asked.

Most supplement companies wouldn’t dare make this kind of promise to you. But that’s how confident I am in BLAST OFF.

Take my signature below as a signed agreement between you and me that I’ll come through on my every word to you today.
Alain Gonzalez
blast off FORMULA
$69 per Bottle
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
blast off FORMULA
$49 per Bottle
You Save 29%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
blast off FORMULA
$39 per Bottle
You Save 43%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
Why Settle For Anything Less Than BLAST OFF?
Listen, man…

The fact that you’re still reading this page tells me you’re serious about getting the most from your pre-workout… 

Or maybe you’ve never used a pre-workout before… but you want to give it a shot.

Whatever the case may be… you wouldn’t still be here if you didn’t want something MORE

MORE energyMORE testosteroneMORE fat lossMORE muscle… (and loads of other perks you’ve read in this letter.)

So what’s holding you back?

The only reason I can think you haven’t placed your order yet is because you’re worried about the price… or you aren’t sure if BLAST OFF will work for YOU.

Keep in mind… although BLAST OFF isn’t priced like one of those cheap pre-workouts you can get at Walmart… it’s the highest quality pre-workout you’ll find.

And there isn’t a single “wasted” ingredient inside. No fillers. No fluff. Just 6 ingredients that help your all your dreams come true in the gym.

In other words you get exactly what you pay for. Nothing more. Nothing less.

And trust me… BLAST OFF will give you far better results than any other pre-workout you can buy at the store…

I’ve given you dozens of studies throughout this page to prove it to you and put your mind at ease. Plus…

If for any reason it doesn’t live up to your expectations… don’t forget your purchase is backed by my 365 Day Money Back Triple Guarantee.

I’ve taken special care to make sure this is a NO RISK - ALL REWARD offer.

So don’t wait any longer…
Grab Yours Before We Sell Out!
Your bottles of BLAST OFF are flying off the warehouse shelves right now…

Which is why you need to claim yours before we run out.

Like I mentioned earlier… the ingredients in BLAST OFF aren’t mostly cheap fillers like other pre-workouts on the market…

Each one is chosen for a purpose…

Because it’s scientifically proven to give you everything you need with a few sips to take your workout to the next level…

… and get the body and energy you crave.

And because these ingredients are truly top-of-the-line, it may take months for me to restock after I sell out.

I don’t want you to show up late to the party and miss out on months of results because you didn’t act now.

And I’m sure you don’t want to miss out either… So what are you waiting for?

I recommend you grab the 3 or 6 bottle options.

That way, you won’t have to worry about one day getting down to the bottom of the barrel, placing an order for your next shipment, and then finding we’ve sold out and are waiting for more to arrive…

Listen… I’ll try my best to make sure that doesn’t happen…

… but I can’t promise there will be bottles waiting for you when you need them most.

So do yourself a favor and foolproof your order by selecting the 3 or 6 bottle special. (you’ll get a discount, too).

And remember, the guarantee stands on all order options when you buy now… Don’t wait any longer…
blast off FORMULA
$69 per Bottle
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
blast off FORMULA
$49 per Bottle
You Save 29%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
blast off FORMULA
$39 per Bottle
You Save 43%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
Alain Gonzalez
P.S. If you want to experience a surge of pure energy in the gym, while burning more fat, boosting testosterone and preserving every ounce of muscle mass… what are you waiting for? Click or tap here to choose your package. Once you do, I’ll I get it delivered to you right away. 
P.P.S. Don’t forget. You have nothing to lose when you purchase your BLAST OFF package today. You’re backed-up by my 365 Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. If this natural pre-workout doesn’t significantly boost your energy and performance in the gym, you’ll get every penny of your money back. Just send the unopened bottles back and I’ll make it right.  
Questions About BLAST OFF?
blast off FORMULA
$69 per Bottle
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
blast off FORMULA
$49 per Bottle
You Save 29%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
blast off FORMULA
$39 per Bottle
You Save 43%
(Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide)
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17784905
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12750588
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23551944
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19387395
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4019830/
  • https://www.muscleandperformance.com/supplements-performance/new-uses-for-hmb
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26900386
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